Forward Look
Lung Cancer Screening for Smokers Almost Ready for Prime TimeStudies suggest low-dose CT screening can reduce lung cancer deaths in those at high risk.
by Sue Rochman
Forward Look
Get Smart About Smartphone Cancer AppsStudy shows reasons to be skeptical about medical apps.
by Stephen Ornes
Forward Look
Guiding Patients From Screening Through TreatmentPatient navigators can play an important role in cancer care.
by Alanna Kennedy-Gorman
Forward Look
Common-Sense ScreeningSigmoidoscopy may be a good option for colorectal cancer screening.
by Sue Rochman
Forward Look
Task Force Says “No” to PSA for Prostate Cancer ScreeningExpert panel's recommendation spurs debate.
by Stephen Ornes
A Genetic Legacy
Doctors now know more than ever about the inherited cancer-related mutations that can link generations of family members. But with the new knowledge from scientific advances and DNA testing come new questions for patients.
by Sue Rochman
Forward Look
The Dense Breast DebateSome states are mandating that doctors tell patients about breast density, which can affect cancer risk.
by Mitzi Baker
The Family Cancer Tree
Accurate reporting of family histories could be key to risk reduction.
by Mitzi Baker
Forward Look
Cancer Screening: A Dose of RealityQ&A with H. Gilbert Welch, professor of medicine at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice.
by Sue Rochman