Support for You


  • Sensorimotor Training Helps Prevent Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy

    The specialized balance training exercise can help keep the nervous system healthy during chemotherapy by giving it a workout.

    by Sandra Gordon

  • Healthy Habits

    A Comforting Pressure

    Using a weighted blanket could reduce anxiety before chemotherapy infusions.

    by Tyler Santora

  • Follow the Heart

    Oncologists and researchers increasingly focus on how to predict, treat and monitor for cardiovascular problems that develop before and after treatment.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Your Cancer Guide

    Do You Want a Pet?

    Even though they come with additional responsibility, pets can be a source of support and comfort during cancer treatment.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • Forward Look

    The Time Factor

    Oncologist and researcher Arjun Gupta discusses time toxicity and why it is important.

    by Ashley P. Taylor

  • Experts Urge Consideration Before Switching Cancer Care Providers

    Patients should consider the potential risks, and not just rewards, before changing providers.

    by Kyle Bagenstose

  • Healthy Habits

    Stress Relief

    Interventions to manage stress can have long-lasting emotional and physical benefits for people with cancer.

    by Carisa Brewster

  • Your Cancer Guide

    Tending Your Garden

    Remove those things that will hamper your growth during cancer treatment.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • A Gentler Treatment Course

    Patients who speak up when they don’t feel well can help doctors manage side effects caused by chemotherapy.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Climate Change and Cancer Care

    Cancer centers and their patients face disruptions caused by hurricanes, wildfires and other extreme weather events.

    by Cameron Walker