  • Forward Look

    Going Flat

    Most people who opt out of breast reconstruction are satisfied with their decision but are not always supported by their surgeons.

    by Kris Conner

  • Q&A

    Cancer, From the Other Side

    When Liza Marshall was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer, she and her husband, oncologist John Marshall, had to chart new waters.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Sound Advice

    Summer 2021

    vol 11 | issue 02
    Ensuring that doctors respect your cultural background, addressing anxiety caused by the pandemic, and discussing end-of-life plans.

  • Facts and Stats

    Categorizing Skin Cancer

    A knowledge of the different types of skin cancer can help you remain vigilant.

    by Bradley Jones

  • Healthy Habits

    Low-Budget Eats

    Planning ahead can yield a balanced diet at a reasonable price.

    by Ashley P. Taylor

  • Healthy Habits

    Fighting Fit

    Tai chi benefits cancer survivors in body, but also in mind.

    by Tara Santora

  • More Data on COVID-19 Vaccination and Cancer

    Studies indicate that many people with cancer have an antibody response to the vaccines, but this response may be reduced or absent in certain patients.

    by Anna Goshua

  • Putting the Patient in the Driver’s Seat

    In her new book, Cancer Support Community executive chair Kim Thiboldeaux offers advice to patients on how to steer their way through a cancer diagnosis, treatment and beyond.

    by Kevin McLaughlin

  • A Closer Look at Sarcopenia

    Gastrointestinal oncologist and health services researcher Ryan Nipp discusses new research about how muscle quality correlates with cancer outcomes.

    by Ashley P. Taylor

  • Rethinking Access to Disability Benefits

    Advances in screening and treatment mean there are more cancer survivors than ever, but survivors who struggle to work can face difficulty getting disability payments.

    by Jen Tota McGivney