  • Forward Look

    Immunotherapy Shows Promise for Treating Brain Metastases

    Treatments capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier provide new options for patients whose cancer has spread to the brain.

    by Bradley Jones

  • Forward Look

    A Strategy to Watch

    Some rectal cancer patients may safely avoid life-altering surgery.

    by Kristine Conner

  • Forward Look

    Older Adults at Risk for Cancer Overscreening

    Many older adults continue to be screened beyond the recommended age.

    by Carisa Brewster

  • Healthy Habits

    Daily Dose

    Aspirin can be taken daily to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, but it's not recommended for everyone.

    by Bradley Jones

  • Forward Look

    What’s Next? Spring 2021

    A new way to evaluate patients with prostate cancer.

    by Christina Bennett

  • More Ways to Treat Advanced Kidney Cancer

    New drugs and drug combinations are helping more patients live longer with advanced kidney cancer. But questions remain about how best to choose among them.

    by Kendall K. Morgan

  • When Cancer’s Spread Is Limited

    People with cancer that has spread to only a few locations—called oligometastatic cancer—may benefit from aggressive local treatment.

    by Kate Yandell

  • Facts and Stats

    The Five Phases of Clinical Research

    New treatments in the U.S. are scrutinized in various ways before and after they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

    by Bradley Jones

  • Immunotherapy Indications Withdrawn

    In recent months, drugmakers have announced they are withdrawing indications for four immune checkpoint inhibitors in consultation with the Food and Drug Administration. What does this mean for patients who are taking these drugs?

    by Anna Goshua

  • A Drive for Diversity

    African Americans are underrepresented in the Be The Match bone marrow donor registry. Patient advocates are working to change that.

    by Jon Kelvey