Living with Cancer

Survivor Profiles

  • Survivor Profile

    The Power of Patients

    Janet Freeman-Daily helps put patients at the center of lung cancer research.

    by Robin Meadows

  • Survivor Profile

    A Long Road Back

    Multiple myeloma survivor Gary Lambert deploys inventiveness and fortitude to deal with cancer.

    by Lindsey Konkel

  • Survivor Profile

    Family Matters

    After Shigeo Tsuruoka was diagnosed with stomach cancer, his family came together to help him. His daughter, Aki Smith, was by his side as he navigated treatment and recovery. Now she offers guidance to other stomach cancer patients and caregivers.

    by Kate Yandell

  • Advocacy in Action

    Fearless Friends

    Lori Marx-Rubiner and AnneMarie Ciccarella met on social media and grew close through their cancer research advocacy.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Survivor Profile

    The Gift of Music

    A self-taught musician takes what he has learned from his experience with kidney cancer to entertain, teach and inspire.

    by Jenny Song

  • Survivor Profile

    Putting Her Armor On

    An acute myeloid leukemia survivor and former TV news reporter finds a new reason to help others improve their health.

    by Jennifer Walker

  • Survivor Profile

    Going Full Bore

    Susan Leighton, a 19-year survivor, is a powerful advocate for ovarian cancer research. Her advocacy, which began locally in northern Alabama, has reached the National Cancer Institute and the Department of Defense.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Survivor Profile

    Reasons to Dream

    Despite a metastatic lung cancer diagnosis, Emily Bennett Taylor was able to look beyond the illness in 2012 to her dream of raising a family. Today, with no evidence of disease, she is the mother of two baby girls.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Survivor Profile

    In Support and Service

    Retired Army colonel and prostate cancer survivor Jim Williams asks men to pay better attention to their health.

    by Lauren Gravitz

  • Survivor Profile

    Living in the Here and Now

    A metastatic melanoma survivor is hopeful but realistic as new treatments become available.

    by Jenny Song