Support for You


  • Forward Look

    Caring for the Caregivers

    Specialized programs can help reduce stress experienced by cancer caregivers.

    by Marilyn Fenichel

  • Editor's Letter

    No Easy Decisions With Cancer

    Patients must blend information from their doctors with their own values and beliefs.

    by Kevin McLaughlin

  • Your Cancer Guide

    Asking for Help

    Allowing others to assist you during and after treatment is an essential skill and a wonderful gift.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • The Ways We Approach Death

    Cancer often requires making difficult decisions in the face of uncertainty.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Q&A

    When Time Doesn’t Heal

    Researcher and social worker Mary Ann Burg discusses the long-term challenges cancer survivors face and recent efforts to address these needs.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Forward Look

    Getting Breakthrough Pain Under Control

    Cancer patients may need additional pain medications.

    by Marilyn Fenichel

  • Forward Look

    Growing Pains

    When a parent has cancer, adolescents experience more emotional distress than children of other ages.

    by Leigh Labrie

  • Forward Look

    Hope for a Future Family

    Fertility preservation outcomes may vary with cancer diagnosis.

    by Kendall K. Morgan

  • Your Cancer Guide

    Living With Advanced Cancer

    Make the most of your days despite the uncertainty that comes with metastatic disease.

    by Hester Hill Schnipper

  • What Is Your Learning Style?

    Understanding how you learn best can help you get the most out of your meetings with your medical team.

    by Ide Mills