Taking Action


  • Q&A

    Gaining the Benefits of Early Detection

    As first lady of Moldova, Margareta Timofti aims to increase cancer awareness and survival in one of Europe's poorest nations.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Get Involved

    Research Studies Need You

    Breast cancer survivor AnneMarie Ciccarella discovered an interest in scientific research.

    by Yvonne Lee

  • Survivor Profile

    Touched by an Angel

    Jonny Imerman is the heart and hub of a network of cancer survivors.

    by Pamela Ferdinand

  • Yesterday & Today

    A Leading Lady

    Betty Ford's candor about her breast cancer diagnosis helped bring a private issue out of the shadows.

    by Corinna Wu

  • Teaming Up for Better Treatment

    Across the country, survivors' opinions and actions are influencing cancer care.

    by Stephen Ornes

  • Forward Look

    The Dense Breast Debate

    Some states are mandating that doctors tell patients about breast density, which can affect cancer risk.

    by Mitzi Baker

  • Survivor Profile

    Spreading the Word

    An African-American banking pioneer finds fulfillment in increasing prostate cancer awareness.

    by Yvonne Lee

  • Get Involved

    One Survivor Making a Difference

    A prostate cancer survivor becomes an advocate for cancer patients.

    by Yvonne Lee

  • Yesterday & Today

    A King’s Legacy

    More than a quarter century after Yul Brynner's death from lung cancer, treatment advances offer some patients new options, but the cancer continues to claim more lives than any other. And the actor's haunting anti-smoking message lives on.

    by Sue Rochman

  • Global Report

    Stark Realities in Zambia

    An American cancer survivor's visit to a Southern African nation reveals how doctors are adapting cancer care to meet an overwhelming need.

    by Cynthia Ryan