Support for You


  • Sound Advice

    Winter 2020/2021

    vol 10 | issue 04
    Experts answer questions about limiting exposure to the coronavirus, how to talk about a cancer recurrence with loved ones, and strategies for dealing with a loss of health insurance.

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Finding the Middle Ground

    Not all patients follow doctors' orders, which can be frustrating for their caregivers.

    by Karen J. Bannan

  • Sound Advice

    Fall 2020

    vol 10 | issue 03
    Experts offer advice on making caregiving work, the challenges of telemedicine, and absent friends.

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    The Power of Anger

    Accepting this emotion can be the first step in channeling it for a constructive purpose.

    by Karen J. Bannan

  • When COVID-19 Comes Home

    I have brain cancer, and my wife is a health care worker. These are some questions we had to consider leading up to and after her diagnosis with COVID-19.

    by Adam Hayden

  • Facing Cancer and a Pandemic at the Same Time

    Cancer patients and their families share stories of fear, love and uncertainty as they find new ways to support each other.

    by Jen Tota McGivney

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Strategies for Effective Communication

    When families work together to provide care for a loved one, communicating can become a challenge.

    by Ashley Jones

  • Advocacy in Action

    Leaving a Legacy

    Two mothers, each with a son who died of brain cancer, worked together to increase awareness and acceptance of tumor tissue donation.

    by Esther Landhuis

  • Caregiving With Confidence

    Take Financial Inventory

    Treatment-related expenses can increase stress on both caregivers and patients. Learning to talk about these concerns may help ease the burden.

    by Aimee Swartz

  • Forward Look

    Clinical Trials Need Cancer Caregivers Too

    Researchers are studying how to best support family members.

    by Delia O’Hara