Living with Cancer

Survivor Profiles

  • Survivor Profile

    Regaining Her Balance

    Gymnast Shannon Miller's focus and agility helped her capture seven Olympic medals before she was 20. But the most decorated U.S. gymnast in history struggled to overcome the shock of her ovarian cancer diagnosis and treatment.

    by Kevin Begos

  • Survivor Profile

    The Jazz Evangelist

    Even through cancer treatment, jazz pianist and radio show host Billy Foster is ensuring that jazz is passed on to future generations.

    by Jenny Song

  • Survivor Profile

    Betting on Science

    Diagnosed with a rare and incurable blood cancer, Jack Whelan is a passionate booster for research, clinical trials and affordable treatments.

    by Betty Russell

  • Survivor Profile

    Standing Strong

    Drawing on strength from her ancestors and lessons from the 1960s, cancer survivor Vernal Branch works to make a difference for the next generation.

    by Regina Nuzzo

  • Survivor Profile

    Macho Man

    Carlos De La Cuesta is redefining manhood after prostate cancer.

    by Jocelyn Selim

  • Survivor Profile

    Patients’ Rights Powerhouse

    Myra Christopher wages a personal battle with a rare cancer while continuing to passionately advocate for patients.

    by Charlotte Huff

  • Survivor Profile

    Let’s Talk: Lee Miller

    Drawing on her own struggle with the emotional pain of a cancer diagnosis and treatment, Lee Miller empowers other patients to effectively communicate with their doctors.

    by Jenny Song

  • Survivor Profile

    Touched by an Angel

    Jonny Imerman is the heart and hub of a network of cancer survivors.

    by Pamela Ferdinand

  • Survivor Profile

    Spreading the Word

    An African-American banking pioneer finds fulfillment in increasing prostate cancer awareness.

    by Yvonne Lee

  • Survivor Profile

    When Cancer Meets Inner Drive

    Diagnosed at 28, Rochelle Shoretz has stayed true to her big dreams and to her goal of helping other young women with breast cancer.

    by Yvonne Lee