Cancer Types


  • Healthy Habits

    Signs of Skin Cancer

    Regularly checking your skin is crucial to catching skin cancer early.

    by Tara Santoro

  • More Options for Treating Melanoma

    With targeted drugs, immunotherapies and treatment combinations now available, people with advanced melanoma have choices to make.

    by Kendall K. Morgan

  • Forward Look

    What’s Next? Summer 2021

    Using fecal transplants to improve immunotherapy response

    by Natalie Slivinski

  • Facts and Stats

    Categorizing Skin Cancer

    A knowledge of the different types of skin cancer can help you remain vigilant.

    by Bradley Jones

  • How Long Do Immunotherapy Side Effects Last?

    For people with melanoma who receive immune checkpoint inhibitors after surgery, side effects can remain even after treatment has been completed. These chronic side effects are most often mild.

    by Anna Goshua

  • Worth the Wait

    Neoadjuvant therapy—using treatments such as chemotherapy, hormone therapy or radiation to shrink a tumor or treat unseen metastases before surgery—can improve outcomes for some patients.

    by Sharon Tregaskis

  • Our Own Words

    People with cancer and their loved ones find ways for their voices to be heard without filters.

    by Bradley Jones

  • Survivor Profile

    Still in the Game

    ESPN reporter Holly Rowe worked through melanoma treatment.

    by Lindsey Konkel

  • Q&A

    Dissecting Mental Illness

    Neuroscientist Barbara Lipska describes her experiences with symptoms of psychiatric illness caused by treatment for metastases in her brain.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • Pembrolizumab Shows Further Promise for Melanoma

    In a phase III clinical trial, pembrolizumab yielded a 75.4 percent recurrence-free survival rate after 12 months among patients whose stage III melanoma tumors had been fully resected.

    by Brad Jones