Seasonal Shot Strategies
Researchers find that patients with cancer who are severely immunocompromised may benefit from a more frequent seasonal vaccine schedule.
by Sandra Gordon
Drop in Cancer Diagnoses Under COVID-19 Raises Alarms
Results of a recent study support concerns that pandemic disruptions resulted in finding fewer cancers.
by Kyle Bagenstose
T Cells Key to COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts
Experts discuss shortcomings of current COVID-19 vaccines in people with cancer while highlighting possibilities of T-cell activation.
by Thomas Celona
More Data on COVID-19 Vaccination and Cancer
Studies indicate that many people with cancer have an antibody response to the vaccines, but this response may be reduced or absent in certain patients.
by Anna Goshua
Building COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence
Experts discussed how the cancer community can share accurate information and increase confidence in COVID-19 vaccines, both among people with cancer and the general population.
by Kevin McLaughlin
Cancer Talk
Making Cancer a Family Affair
Instead of hiding details of her metastatic breast cancer diagnosis from her children, Michelle Audoin opened the door for clear expectations and frank conversations.
by Michelle Audoin
Advocacy After LossFollowing her son’s death from peripheral T-cell lymphoma, Sandy McHugh keeps his memory alive through Jake’s Dragon Foundation.
by Thomas Celona
Telehealth Palliative Care Provides the Same Benefits as In-person CareResearchers hope effective telehealth will increase access to palliative care for more cancer patients.
by Taneia Surles
Sensorimotor Training Helps Prevent Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral NeuropathyThe specialized balance training exercise can help keep the nervous system healthy during chemotherapy by giving it a workout.
by Sandra Gordon