Support for You


  • Caregiving With Confidence

    The Power of Anger

    Accepting this emotion can be the first step in channeling it for a constructive purpose.

    by Karen J. Bannan

  • Healthy Habits

    One Drink, Too Many?

    Drinking at any level increases cancer risk.

    by Ashley P. Taylor

  • Healthy Habits

    Active Treatment

    Regular exercise may help mitigate the lingering psychological impact of childhood cancer.

    by Carisa D. Brewster

  • Parking Costs Take a Hidden Toll on Cancer Patients

    People with cancer can pay significant costs for parking at cancer centers while receiving their treatment, a study finds.

    by Marcus A. Banks

  • A Modern Family

    My diagnosis with colorectal cancer at age 32 affected my fertility. As a result of my experiences, I help others who have been diagnosed with cancer understand their choices related to fertility preservation and their options for becoming a parent.

    by Allison Rosen

  • Cancer and Older Adults: Can Oncologists Do Better?

    Geriatric assessment reduces toxicity from treatment and improves quality of life in older adults with cancer.

    by Marci A. Landsmann

  • When COVID-19 Comes Home

    I have brain cancer, and my wife is a health care worker. These are some questions we had to consider leading up to and after her diagnosis with COVID-19.

    by Adam Hayden

  • What It’s Like to Get a “C” in Graduate School

    I was afraid that my thyroid cancer diagnosis would derail my graduate school plans. Instead, it helped shape my career path.

    by Carly Flumer

  • Embracing Palliative Care Sooner

    Studies show the benefits palliative care can provide to advanced cancer patients, but also highlight inequities in access.

    by Jen Tota McGivney

  • Facing Cancer and a Pandemic at the Same Time

    Cancer patients and their families share stories of fear, love and uncertainty as they find new ways to support each other.

    by Jen Tota McGivney